How can you restore balance to your beta waves?

Human brain waves

Is your brain running on overtime? Are you feeling anxious? Stressed? Unfocussed? Are you not sleeping well? If so, it might be time to restore balance to your beta brain waves.

Types of brain waves

The brain operates at different electrical wave lengths. Faster wave lengths like gamma and beta are useful for problem solving, thinking logically, or concentrating on a task. We need to be in a state of beta for learning new things.

Like everything in life balance is key. A common issue with spending too much time in beta is the inability to relax. The mind is constantly stimulated, and this makes it difficult to unwind at night and feel calm during leisure times. This can lead to a vicious cycle, where you might experience feeling unfocussed, anxious, irritable, overwhelmed, poor sleep, or panic attacks. Too little time in beta and you might experience depression or ADHD. The constant stressors of daily life can get you off balance.

Human brain waves

Balancing beta waves

Regularly slowing down the brain to alpha and theta can help restore your equilibrium. Alpha waves occur when you are in a state of restfulness and relaxation. Boosting alpha waves is associated with creativity, improved focus, as well as reducing anxiety and depression. Alpha waves are usually present just before and after you fall asleep. Theta waves play an important role in our emotional well-being. This state promotes mental clarity and deep relaxation.  Venting dreams, when we process unresolved emotions, are associated with being in theta.

Regular meditation, yoga and breath work can help you slow your brain waves and restore your balance. As someone, who has regularly practiced yoga, pranayama and meditation for decades, I still sometimes get out of balance. I don’t sleep as well. I might find my lovely husband to be irritating has heck. I might snap easily. During these times, something in my subconscious brain was keeping me wound up. Hypnotherapy helped me get back into my groove. If you think you might be stuck in beta, hypnotherapy can help. A skilled hypnotherapist can help slow down your brain, help you uncover why you are stuck in beta, and restore your balance.