
Krista Francis Hypnotherapy Logo

What can you expect in a hypnotherapy session?

During a hypnotherapy session you will experience guided relaxation, guided imagery and possibly some gentle therapeutic treatments to help you make positive lasting changes to how you feel and live your life. Hypnotherapy induces a state of hypnosis where your mind enters a deeply relaxed state. In this relaxed state, you are able to re-imagine how you would like to feel. Images, ideas, and thoughts are released. Hypnotherapy is a means for repatterning beliefs and behaviors. Within a few treatments, the feelings that you imagined in hypnosis will begin to actualize in your life.

Pricing and Commitment

The number of sessions required varies with your individual needs. Your commitment to personal growth and healing will provide you with a happier, healthier, and more fulfilling life.

Call 403-660-1896 to reserve one of the packages below and book your appointments online here.


6 sessions – $1,250
For common anxiety, panic, trauma


8 sessions – $1,600
For major transformations

With hypnotherapy you can expect to feel:

  • calmer and more focused
  • less anxious
  • more present
  • in control of your fears and phobias
  • more enjoyment of your life
Hypnotherapy can help with:
  • Anxiety
  • Stress
  • Fears and Phobias
  • Sleep
  • Public speaking
  • Chronic pain
  • Strokes
  • Low self esteem
  • Panic attacks
  • Migraines
  • OCD
  • Sports performance
  • Pregnancy
  • Happiness building

My client’s frequent outcomes include:

  • A more positive outlook
  • Renewed sense of purpose
  • More clarity
  • A sense of calm and and peace
  • Joy
  • Emotional freedom
  • Healthier habits
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Evidence Based Therapy

Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding.