
Human brain waves

How can you restore balance to your beta waves?

Is your brain running on overtime? Are you feeling anxious? Stressed? Unfocussed? Are you not sleeping well? If so, it might be time to restore balance to your beta brain waves. Types of brain waves The brain operates at different electrical wave lengths. Faster wave lengths like gamma and beta are useful for problem solving,

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The Subconscious / Conscious Mind

Do you ever find yourself thinking you want to do something, but find yourself doing something completely different? For instance, I may promise myself that I am not going to react next time the love of my life says something annoying. But then the next thing I know an annoying comment has me flapping my

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snake held in two hands

Freeze, Flight, or Fight

Change work is all about emotions, reducing some, and cultivating others. By connecting with the right emotional state in the right context, problems can be solved. As part of the limbic system, the amygdala is responsible for primitive emotions such as fear and anger. When posed with a potential threat, the amygdala prepares the body

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